Guitar Hero/Frets on Fire in the browser
February 26, 2009 – 12:50 am
0 #
Attention, this is an addiction warning: Do not try It will eat your time and bring you away from reality.
Posters of Lucas Arts games
February 25, 2009 – 12:10 am
0 #
- ‘Day of the Tentacle’-Poster
- ‘Full Throttle’-poster
You can find more posters from the classic LucasArts adventures in this forum thread.
And if anyone has recommendations for good poster printing services, I’ll be happy to hear them.
Via Geeksugar
Nano War: Free strategy game in flash
January 4, 2009 – 11:12 am
Video Games and the Uncanny Valley
November 27, 2008 – 10:45 pm